Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why Blog?

Why Blog?  I have asked myself this question many times, but have never done it until now.  When asked to get on the ban wagon of RWR  I thought, "Really?"   

As I sit in a deer stand with my 11 year old what better time than now to tell our story, that story would be Agriculture and our way of life.

Both our boys are actively involved in 4H , more on 4H later.  Both boys have been giving speeches for the past 2 years.  Yes our youngest is only 6 and his speeches are more like "talks", but we wanted to get him used to talking in front of people.  The question has been brought up more than once of why we should tell our story.

Each year we attend the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Convention
At this year's convention both boys would be giving speeches in the Junior Competition.  When brainstorming on what to give their speeches over, the same question/statement kept coming back to us - tell your story, why you choose to be involved in agriculture, why you show cattle, why you do what you do, why you choose to spend your summer vacation on the combine or swather or baler.

The boys did well with their speeches, no blue ribbons, but definitely another notch in their belts on being more comfortable talking in front of people.

Our story is Agriculture and we hope you join us along the way.  We don't want to bore anyone, hopefully we will keep you entertained and educated.  Follow us as we introduce you to our rural lifestyle and feel free to ask any questions along the way.

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